Humans Aren’t Data Points – Modern Medicine is Hurting Us

posted in: Recent, Stage 5, Stage 5: Step 3

There is deep basic science and clinical research that documents effective treatments for chronic mental and physical disease. Most of it has not entered into clinical care and our burden of chronic disease continues to grow. In fact, much of what is being done is not only risky, based on … Read More

Processing Anxiety/ Frustration – They are not Going Away

posted in: Recent, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

  Objectives Providing yourself with cues of safety is essential to healing. However, your body instinctively gravitates towards being aware of threats. Even when life is good, your brain is constantly scanning your surroundings (including your consciousness) for danger. It is your “personal brain scanner.” As disruptive as anxiety is, … Read More

Giving Back is Healing

posted in: Recent, Stage 4, Stage 4: step 5

Objectives You probably have been trapped by anxiety for so long, and consumed by trying to find a way out, the idea giving back seems almost impossible. You may not even have the energy to try. Although, you have learned many strategies to process anxiety and anger, letting go and … Read More

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