Not Being Judgmental–Not Possible

posted in: Recent, Stage 4, Stage 4: Step 4

  Objectives Human consciousness precludes suppressing thoughts and emotions without experiencing physiological consequences. You may intellectually understand that being judgmental is unkind, but it is universal and embedded in our existence. Judgements of others, positive or negative, are projections of our own self-opinion, much of which is based on cognitive … Read More


A deep and overwhelming feeling of helplessness became anger (which usually comes out to somehow rescue me..)..So that’s what I tried to express in this painting.   My commentary This is an interesting piece in that anger does rescue us from feeling vulnerable – physically and mentally. It is the … Read More

Connecting to Life with Your Senses – Environmental Awareness

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 5

Objectives Humans are subject to an endless barrage of unpleasant thoughts that cannot be controlled. These thoughts are sensory input that is disruptive and creates a flight or fight response. Resisting them makes them stronger. It is much more effective to switch your attention to different sensory inputs that is … Read More

Flip Your Consciousness – 4 Types of Awareness

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 5

Objectives A significant aspect of your healing journey is stimulating your brain to create a new set of circuits that are pleasurable. The sequence to change your brain is 1) awareness 2) separation (create some “space” 3) redirecting or reprogramming. None of this can happen without you being aware of … Read More

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