The Myth of Self-Esteem

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 3

Self-esteem is one of the worst concepts ever propagated. While the definition itself appears harmless enough on its surface, “confidence in one’s own worth or abilities,” the ideas surrounding self-esteem implies that if I had enough of “X,” then I would have less anxiety, less frustration, and more happiness. “X” … Read More

The Root Cause of Societal Disintegration – Untreated Anxiety

posted in: Recent, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

Being trapped by relentless untreated anxiety is the core driver of destructive human behaviour. Anxiety is the sensation generated by your body’s stress chemicals in response to a mental or physical threat. It is not primarily a psychological issue. It is a gift in that it is the mechanism that … Read More

Social Anxiety – Vulnerability Doesn’t Feel Safe

posted in: Recent, Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 5

Humans want to feel safe. Feeling or being safe reflects profound shifts in your body’s chemistry to “rest and digest.” Not only do you feel a deep sense of contentment, openness and play, your body refuels and regenerates. Your safety needs aren’t met if you don’t feel heard, validated, and … Read More

Accept the Gift of Consciousness – Choice

posted in: Recent, RUTs

Anxiety is the “gift of life” created by sensations from the unconscious nervous system. Every living creature, from one-cell organisms to mammals processes input from its surroundings in order to navigate challenges in order to first remain alive and secondly to pass its genetic material to the next generation. The … Read More

Your Hand Stuck Over the Stove

posted in: Recent, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

I often encounter a perplexing situation: A patient experiencing severe chronic pain on my spine intake questionnaire rates him or herself as a zero on a 10-point scale with regards to anxiety, depression, and anger. They may have even undergone multiple failed spine surgeries. Yet upon further, almost intrusive, questioning … Read More

How Many More Neck Surgeries?

posted in: Recent, Stage 5, Stage 5: Step 5

One middle-aged patient sought me out in Seattle from the East Coast for a second opinion regarding his neck. He had been disabled since 2001 with chronic pain over most of his body. He had at least 10 additional symptoms of burning, aching, stabbing, and tingling that would migrate throughout … Read More

Threat Physiology Can’t be Controlled with Behavioral Approaches

posted in: Recent, RUTs

Objectives Many people are focused on controlling anger and anxiety with behavioural approaches. These powerful reactions are not controllable and suppressing them increases threat physiology. We all need to be heard, supported, and taught methods to regulate and lower these responses. Avoiding or suppressing stress causes damage to our bodies … Read More

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