Tune Your Nervous System and Lower Anxiety – You have the controls

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 4

KEY POINTS When stresses overwhelm the coping capacity of your nervous system, your body will go into flight or fight physiology. You have choices regarding what you input into your nervous system. If your attention dwells on disturbing topics, you’ll remain agitated, which fires up the physiology of your whole … Read More

Taking Control – The Eye of the Storm

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 4

Objectives: It is a common perception that if we could manage our stresses better, we’d have a better life. That is true on one level, except that the stresses that are the most damaging are the ones we can’t control. Ongoing exposure to threats creates an adverse physiology that is … Read More

Decreasing Your Stress Chemicals (Anxiety)

posted in: Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 4

Chronic stress can be deadly. People experiencing chronic elevations of stress hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, cytokines, histamines, and cortisol mentally and physically suffer. Some of the problems include the following: Early mortality – average life span is shortened by seven years (1) Increased heart disease (2) Depression/ anxiety/suicide Autoimmune … Read More

Be All that You Can Be – or Just Be

posted in: Recent, Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 4

Objectives Modern civilization offers more opportunities than any other era of human history. Yet our mental health is declining. We have been led to believe that experiences, knowledge, possessions, and accomplishments can make us happy. You cannot outrun your mind. It is a futile effort because your unconscious survival reactions … Read More

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