The Angry Meditator

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 2

Meditation is a powerful tool in calming down your nervous system, and is a skill that everyone should be taught in elementary school and continue to hone throughout a lifetime. Think what we are not taught about stress, anxiety, and frustration at an early age. A child has little control … Read More

“Finding Health by Letting Go of Hate”

The common thread of those who successfully heal from chronic pain and other symptoms of Neurophysiologic Disorder (NPD) is letting go of anger through deep forgiveness. Anger and pain are inextricably linked. For many of us forgiveness involves somewhat of an intellectual process and is focused on many small “wrongs”. … Read More

Anger and Workers’ Comp Webinar

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 3

Our medical and political system has failed. Employers have abused workers as long as there have been employers and workers. The intent of worker’s comp’s no-fault system was to both provide excellent medical care as well as improve worker safety. Although workplace safety has dramatically improved since the early 1900’s, … Read More

Anger Simplified

posted in: Recent, Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 1

Threat (perceived or real danger) creates a neurochemical inflammatory reaction (anxiety) And a need for control to escape the threat When you can’t solve the problem (trapped) Your body increases the stress response in an effort to regain control Now you are angry Anger = turbocharged anxiety Both are unconscious, … Read More

Taking Back Your Spirit-Caroline Myss

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 5

Caroline Myss-Taking Back Your Spirit Anger and chronic pain are linked pathways. It is not possible to release yourself from your pain and move foward with your life until you can experience true forgiveness for the people who have wronged you the most. This remarkable video was passed on to … Read More

Labeled “Drug Seeker” and Almost Died

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 3

One of the core concepts of the human condition is labeling experiences, trends, groups or people. It comes along with having the capacity to communicate through language. Yuval Noah Harari in his book, Sapiens, pointed out that the cognitive revolution for Homo Sapiens occurred about 70,000 years ago with the advent of … Read More

Anger-The Absolute Block

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 2

It has become clear that if a given patient engages in the principles outlined in this book, he or she has a high chance of experiencing a dramatic decrease in pain and improved quality of life at some point in time. The richness of this new life often exceeds anything … Read More

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