Video: Your Brain Becomes Sensitized

posted in: Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

I discuss how the brain becomes more sensitive to pain with repetition. I also introduce the first 3 “E’s” of the 5 “E’s” of chronic pain as well as the evolution of pain. The 5 “E’s” are Empathy, Evaluation, Education, Encouragement and Engagement. For more on this, check out Sensitization … Read More

Video: I Can Only Fix What I Can See

posted in: Stage 5, Stage 5: Step 2

I discuss the cultural belief system about spine surgery and it’s impact on the treatment for chronic pain. It took me years to understand that performing fusions for LBP is based on unsubstantiated belief rather than hard data. I thought that surgery could always alleviate pain and felt I had an … Read More

Enjoy Your Day-Today

posted in: Stage 2, Stage 2: Step 6

  “Happy” We all want to become better, happier people, and we work pretty hard at it. The marketing world keeps reminding us that we are not even close to our potential and holds up endless images of perfection that reinforce that idea. The solution advertising offers is a better … Read More

The First and Last Day of School

posted in: Stage 4, Stage 4: Step 4

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old.  They grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old. They stop pursing dreams when they are crushed by relentless anxiety… Gabriel Garcia Marquez … Read More

Video: Is Your Pain Structural or Not?

posted in: Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

I look at the source of the pain and it’s receptors in reference to back pain and one’s spine. I also discuss the difference between a structural and non-structural source of the pain. Read more about this topic in discussing structural sources of pain.  

Video 8/19: Fusions For LBP Don’t Work

posted in: Uncategorized

I talk about the importance about finding the “source” of the pain and the implications of the “real” success rates of most spine operations. This clip takes a closer look into back fusions and the research behind them. Learn more about this in my post, “Surgical Results Overly Optimistic.” Aching … Read More

A Bunch of Balloons

posted in: RUTs, Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 3

Much, if not most, of what the DOC project presents about creating a central nervous shift is 180 degrees different than how most of us are taught to deal with our conscious mind. One of the most important paradoxes to understand is that you cannot fix your nervous system because … Read More

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