Two Kinds of Anger

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There are two pathways that put you into the role of a victim. “Perceived wrong” Truly victimized With the first pathway, an event occurs in which you perceive that you have been wronged.  However, it is a perception that is based on your “story” of how the events “invaded your … Read More

Anger Affecting Nerve Pain

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This story about how anger can affect the perception of pain involves one of my patients who had a complication from a revision spine fusion. Mike was a 52 year-old respiratory therapist who was very active–the man ran marathons. Years after an initial spine fusion at L5-S1 at age 30, … Read More

Stress Management Overview

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There is a good chance that if you are reading this right now, your life is not exactly as you would like it to be.  You are experiencing pain that is significantly altering your quality of life, and you are not very happy about it.  The medical profession has not … Read More

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