Visualization – Holt’s Winning Run

posted in: Stage 3, Stage 3: Step 5

Stimulating your brain to form new circuits first involves awareness of what already is, separating or creating some space between the stimulus and response and then redirecting your attention. Visualization is an effective method to create new pathways around your embedded pain pathways. Part of the chronic pain experience is … Read More

Video 16/19: “White Bears”

posted in: Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 2

I talk about how the suppression of negative thoughts associated with chronic pain can really fire up the nervous system.  Dr. Daniel Wegner from Harvard published an elegant paper in 1987 demonstratng the impossibity of trying to suppress thoughts. I’ve talked about it before in White Bears and ANTS.   BF

Video 14/19: Chronic Pain: Pain Free is Not Only Possible, it’s Probable.

posted in: Uncategorized

I talk about how powerful the DOCC Project can be and how it can break down the doors of years of chronic pain. Through patient’s stories, the DOCC project is showing that pain free is not only possible, it’s probable. For more on this, check out Reversing Chronic Pain with … Read More

Back Pain vs. Mouth Pain

posted in: Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

I am a busy spine surgeon, yet I spend most of my time talking my patients out of surgery. When I do recommend surgical treatment, many, if not most, become apprehensive. They have heard that spine surgery never works and will relate stories to me about their friends, family, or … Read More

Video: Memorizing the Circuits: Phantom Pain

posted in: Stage 1, Stage 1: Step 1

Our brain has neurological circuits that can become memorized. In this video I discuss phantom pain, which is more the rule than the exception with amputations. This factor is a significant problem with any chronic pain situation.

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