Lost and Found

I keep coming back to this idea that there are two sides to every coin. In this time of global pandemic, masks hold a duality of both safety and fear. I’m now used to wearing a mask when out in public, but the metaphor is not lost upon me. Wearing a … Read More

Caught in a Swirl of Change

This mask represents the feeling of being separated from normal life. The Coronavirus has caused the government to close my studio/gallery in Pt Reyes. I now find my life cast adrift, in a constant state of seeking balance in a world pandemic crisis. I may look calm in the outside, … Read More

Florentine Mosaic

Mosaico Fiorentino Fragments like colored glass Segmented memories Names of streets Distant ricordi In a flash my thoughts translate into Florentine tongue Connecting chards of glass like dots on a page my memory comes into focus An old mosaic completes itself Myself As I stay with the names new memories … Read More

Meditation versus Medicating for Life

posted in: Stories of Hope

This is a letter from someone who I have never met. I would encourage you to read it carefully for several reasons. The first being that this is a person who was been beaten up badly by the medical system and somehow emerged out the other side doing better. Anything … Read More

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