Psychology Today

Be an Expert at Life and Heal

Our Need to Feel Safe

Downhill Skiing Is Dangerous—So Is Life

A Simple Starting Point for Healing: Active Meditation

The Abyss: Honour Your Suffering

How to Heal from Chronic Stress

Social Anxiety—Because Vulnerability Doesn’t Feel Safe

Be All that You Can Be—or Just Be

Accept the Gift of Consciousness—Choice

Mindfulness Should Not Be Taught in School? Really?

Suicide: An Unnecessary Way to Escape from Pain

We Have No Protection From Mental Pain

Fierce Pain—Explained

There Is an Answer to the Mental Health Crisis

Connecting to Feelings: The Inverse of Pursuing Self-Esteem

Popcorn Machines and Healing Repetitive Unpleasant Thoughts

Quit Fighting Darkness; It Vanishes in Light

Solving Repetitive Unpleasant Thoughts—OCD Is Just the Extreme

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”: Firing Up Repetitive Unpleasant Thoughts

The “C”quence of Healing Chronic Illness

Stop Looking for Your Authentic Self

‘Tis the Season to Be Triggered at Family Gatherings

Solve Mental Pain to Resolve Physical Pain

From “Would Like” to “Should”: The Unenforceable Rules

Grievance Stories: Remaining a Victim

Your Relationship to Food Mirrors How You Handle Life

Humans Are Not Data Points—Why Modern Medicine Is Hurting Us

Processing Anger with Three Steps: 5–3–2

Romanticizing Pirates—Normalizing Abuse and Suffering

The Golden State Warriors and the “Ironic Effect”

Tulsa Shooting – “The Pit of Despair”

Play—the Path to Healing

Heal by Connecting with Others

Who Do You Choose to Be Today–With or Without Your Pain

Becoming a Genius at Living Life–and Healing

The Art of Living Your Life Well–Commitment and Practice

Your Life’s Roadmap: Just Begin Anywhere

Feel the Life You Want 

Leaving Pain Behind

Connect with the Life You Want

“Our Envy of Others Devours Us Most of All”

Your Body’s Motto: Danger Until Proven Otherwise

Tune Your Nervous System and Lower Anxiety – You have the controls

What Does “Anxiety” Actually Mean? 

Deepening Your Awareness of Unawareness

Awareness as a Tool: The “Circle of Life”

How Ingrained Patterns Affect Your Life Lens

It Is Impossible Not to Be Judgmental

Judgment and Storytelling: The Deadly Nature of Self-EsteemIt Is Impossible Not to Be Judgmental

You Have to Feel to Heal: Emotional Awareness

Connecting to Life with Your Senses: Environmental Awareness

From Reactive to Creative: “C” First

Flip Your Consciousness: 4 Types of Awareness

Becoming Aware of Being Unaware

“Anger Academy”—Processing Anger Is a Complex Skill

“Stupid Stress” – Taking on the World’s Suffering

The Impact of Anger on Your Life and Pain

The Curse of Consciousness: Trapped By Your Thoughts

Mortal Combat: A Look at How Feuding Neighbors Are Hurting Each Other

Solving and Preventing Chronic Mental and Physical Disease

Create Your Reality Without Pain–Neuroplasticity

Hope: Escaping from The Abyss of Chronic Pain

A Descent into the Abyss of Chronic Pain

The Gift of Acute Pain

Dynamic Healing—The New Paradigm Medicine Needs

Darkness: The Abyss of Chronic Pain

How Chronic Stress Affects Physiology and Well-Being

“Medically Unexplained Symptoms”? Always a Wrong Diagnosis

The Most Destructive Diagnosis in Medicine

Chronic Pain and My Bad Golf Game

The Risks of Ill-Advised Spine Surgery

Spine Surgery: Proceed at Your Own Risk

Forgiveness Is Not What You Think

Plan A–Lowering Inflammation Lengthens Life

Essence of Illness

Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants

The Relationship Between Anger and Vulnerability

Bullying Is Assault and Should Be Treated as Such

Anxiety Is the Correct Name for Pain

Reprogram your Brain Around Pain–Mental or Physical

“Play 20”–Create Your Life at Any Age

This COVID-19 Pandemic is Solvable–Now

Thrive and Survive COVID-19

Lower Anxiety with a “Family Business” Business Plan

Chronic Pain and Social Despair–Doctors need to Listen

Five Important Steps to Heal from Chronic Pain

Make Your Home a “Safe House”

Your Home: Oak Tree or Military Barrack

Never Walk in the Front Door Angry

“The Bottom”–Sometimes It’s OK to be Depressed

Listen to Your Family Without Advice or Criticism

The Other Half of the Pandemic Solution–Create the “Herd”

“Wreck Creation” or Wake the Fun Up!

Expressive Writing May Help Fight the Corona Virus

Ways to Forgive– It is a Learned Skill Set

Beyond Forgiveness–Compassion for Those Who Hurt You

Aware of Being Unaware

The Dark Side of Self-Esteem

Embracing Anxiety: “The Ring of Fire”

Why Isn’t Anyone Doing Something? The Polyvagal Theory

Affirmations and Neuroplasticity

Solving the Unsolvable: Anxiety

Dashed Hopes for Patients in Pain–“The Pit of Despair”

Neuroplasticity Can “Program Out” Your Pain

The Myth of Self-Esteem

Mental Health Is More Critical Than Physical Health

Is It Time to Remove Anxiety from the DSM?

The DSM Classification System: More Harmful Than Helpful?

Anxiety, Anger and Adrenaline – Anger is turbocharged anxiety–It is your body’s attempt to regain control

Depression Is Anxiety – Anxiety is the driver and not subject to conscious control

From Reactive to Creative–Transforming Anxiety

Holiday Land Mines with Your Family – You will be exposed to your most powerful triggers

Anxiety–Prison Guard, or Bodyguard? – Anxiety both protects and traps you, but you have a choice

Anxiety Is a Symptom – It is not a psychological diagnosis

Am I Operating on Your Pain or Anxiety? – Anxiety may be the real problem

Anxiety Basics – It’s not Primarily a Psychological Issue

John Sarno, M.D., An American Hero: Marking a Shift in How We Treat Chronic Pain

Out of Pain (and Wheelchair) With Forgiveness – with Fred Luskin


Pain News Network

Why Untreated Pain Can Lead to Violence

Clarifying the New Definition of Pain

Becoming Aware of Ingrained Thoughts Can Reduce Pain and Anxiety

Do You Have ANT’s? How Awareness Helps Avoid Automatic Negative Thoughts

Emotional Awareness: How I Learned to Connect with Life and Disconnect from Pain

How to Control Anxiety and Pain Through Meditation

How Awareness Can Help Calm Your Pain

Anxiety is a Symptom – Not a Diagnosis

Do You Really Need Spine Surgery?

Epidural Steroid Injections Won’t Solve Your Back Pain

Limiting Rx Opioids is Making the Opioid Epidemic Worse

The Impact of Chronic Pain on the Famly

The Abyss of Chronic Pain

Wallowing in Pain

Why I am Leaving My Spine Surgery Practice

12 great gifts of knowledge about chronic pain


Other Print & Online Media

Go Solo – Taking Back Control of Your Life – Dr. David Hanscom

Epoch Times – Anxiety: An Unexpected Driver of Self Destruction

Epoch Times – Why Chronic Pain Is Almost Always Misdiagnosed

Menda Health  – I’m a spine surgeon. After recovering from chronic pain, I had to change my practice.

Dr. Mercola, Epoch Times – The Interconnectedness Between Anxiety and Inflammation

Lin Health  – My thoughts on the future of Pain Management. Spine Surgery, and Patient Education

Optum – What to do when back spasms attack

CSMA Today, Issue 6, p. 16 – Treating Pain from the Polyvagal Perspective

Dr. Mercola, Epoch Times – Freed by Corona virus testing

24/7 magazine – Depression is Anxiety

Experience Life – interview

SalonPas – Interview

Back Talk – Spine surgery is Not the Answer

Australia Occupational Health Services article – Should Surgeons Assess Psychosocial Variables in Compensation Claims?

Interview with Iain Barker of Back Pain LiberationBack Surgery – Don’t Make a Terrible Mistake 

Pain Chats – Should I Have Spine Surgery?

Yahoo! Lifestyle – How to Solve Back Pain Without Surgery

Consumer Reports – Got Chronic Pain? We can help

Live Pain Free – Overcoming Family Pain Triggers

Live Pain Free – Mental Health or Physical Health: Which is More Critical?

My Quest for the Best – Bill Ringle and David Hanscom discuss workplace anxiety

Healthline – How Sleep, Depression, and Chronic Pain Feed Each Other Poor

Men’s JournalJust Say No

X Chronicles Newsletter – Optimizing Spinal Surgery

Pain Free Pathways – Improved Outcomes without Opioids or Surgery

New Age Chronicles – Optimizing Spinal Surgery

Surgeon Masters – The effect of stress on the professional’s family

AARP – Five ways to cure low back pain

The Dr. Oz Show websiteTaking Back Your Life from Pain

Dr. Mercolas – Back pain and repressed emotions

US News & World Report – Health care providers offer new prescriptions for pain Interview with Stephanie Bucklin

National Pain Report – If I Were Your Spine Surgeon

National Pain Report – What to Ask Your Spine Surgeon

Dr. Mercola, Epoch Times Uncovering the Emotional Message of Chronic Pain

Rewire Me – The Dangers of Positive Thinking

Talkback, February 2015 – Spinal Surgery is Not the Definitive Answer

MindBodyGreen – How My Patient Healed Her Back Pain By Learning To Forgive

Fox – 7 Ways to Keep Your Back Strong

Becker’s Spine Review – Finding the Root Cause of Back Pain: Q & A with Spine Surgeon Dr. David Hanscom

Staying Connected – A Surgeon’s Perspective on the Hoffman Process

Spineline (Reproduced with permission from SpineLine,2011;12(6):42-44. © 2011 North American Spine Society.) – Physician Suicide: My Journey

Case in Point – Surgery isn’t Indicated for LBP