Breakthrough & Thrive: Ignite Your Power, Take Charge of Your Healing and Create Your Happiness After Experiencing Sexual Abuse.
The Breakthrough & Thrive summit supports thousands of people who are ready to heal and are looking for guidance and inspiration.
This summit is designed for those who have either experienced sexual abuse or are supporting someone who has. The summit covers anger, chronic pain, energy levels, digestions, happiness, and overall health. You have survived and now it is time to Thrive. Hear from practitioners and Thrivers how to get to the next level of your healing.
David Hanscom, M.D. will be one of the featured speakers.
This is a 23-day online summit in which there will be 21 speakers. Each day of the summit from 9am to 9:30am Pacific Time, one speaker will be interviewed. Their interview will then be available for viewing for 24 hours.
On days 22 and 23, all interviews will be available for viewing. At the end of the summit, you will have an opportunity to purchase the entire summit along with bonus materials.
Upon registering for this free summit, you will receive daily emails containing the link for that day’s interview, along with a short synopsis of their subject.
Register Now at
Below is the schedule of speakers. Note Dr. David Hanscom is scheduled for May 2nd.
Day One – Becki Koon, April 20th 2019
Day Two – Blake Ashley Freedom, April 21st 2019
Day Three – Diane Littel, April 22nd 2019
Day Four- Dr. David Clark, April 23rd 2019
Day Five-Isabel Fagoaga, April 24th 2019
Day Six-Kendra Bloom, April 25th 2019
Day Seven- Kim Del Valle Walker, April 26th 2019
Day Eight – Magdalena Brandon, April 27th 2019
Day Nine – Mark Mezadourian, April 28th 2019
Day Ten – Rachel Cooley, April 29th 2019
Day Eleven – Sasha Frugone.April 30st 2019
Day Twelve – Angel Marie Shines, May 1st 2019
Day Thirteen – David Hanscom, May 2nd 2019
Day Fourteen – Dr. Kevin Cuccaro, May 3rd 2019
Day Fifteen – Sheri Bezanson, May 4th 2019
Day Sixteen – Mark Kargala, May 5th 2019
Day Seventeen – Jolynn Van Asten, May 6th 2019