Mind Body Syndrome Physicians
Dr. David Schecter’s list of MBS physicians
Mind Body Syndrome
TMSWiki–Tension Myositis Syndrome is another term for the Mind Body Syndrome. This is a website organized by patients who have successfully overcome this diagnosis.
Pain Societies
Pain Society of Oregon–Oregon has a very committed group of professionals from many disciplines looking at the best practices for chronic pain.
Family Support
The Caregiver Club–Dr. Vicki Rackner is a former general surgeon who has committed her career to providing tools to families who live with a person with a chronic illness. Chronic pain is particularly difficult as there is often so much anger. You will find her tools helpful.
Chronic Pain Awareness
The Pain Exhibit–“The Pain Exhibit is an educational, visual arts exhibit from artists with chronic pain with their art expressing some facet of the pain experience. The mission is to educate healthcare providers and the public about chronic pain through art, and to give voice to the many who suffer in abject silence.” Writing is a major part of your healing from chronic pain. Art is also a possibility.
Why Don’t We Take Chronic Pain Seriously? – This is an article on mindbodygreen.com by Ruth Graham, a freelance journalist based in New Hampshire. She is a contributing writer to Slate and to the Boston Globe’s Ideas section. She interviewed Dr. Hanscom for this article.
Chronic Pain Relief / Recovery
SIRPA – Pain Recovery in Simple Steps – SIRPA provides a cutting edge approach to help you eradicate your pain, rather than just learn to live with it. There are many different types of pain including; RSI, persistent back pain, general chronic pain and Sciatica.
paininformation.com – This website present a balanced and well-rounded presentation of information, techniques, and individuals that can benefit from the techniques and technology available today.
Dealing with Disability Issues
Dr. Christopher Bigham is an expert in addressing issues around Workers Comp as well as other medical-legal issues. He has authored a book, Living Abled and Healthy: Your Guide to Injury and Illness Recovery. You will find his insights helpful in regaining a functional life.