Other characteristics make an anatomic problem less likely to cause pain. They are:
- Minimal or no motion between vertebrae
- Completely collapsed disc space
- The vertebrae have essentially fused on their own.
- It is illogical to consider a disc that has minimal or no motion a source of pain.
- The vertebrae have essentially fused on their own.
- Narrowing around a nerve without pain or neurological problems in the pattern of that nerve.
- Deformity that is:
- Balanced (your head is centered over your pelvis
- A deformity of the spine that is stable between the lying down to the upright position
- A spinal deformity that has not changed for many years
- A spine fracture
- Documented to be healed
- Repeat X-rays
- MRI with STIR images that show no fluid in the body
- Documented to be healed